Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapters 1-9

Hello! I'm taking BYao's advice and writing an overall blog that people can post on, though I guess everyone's already done their posting for this section... But whatevs :) And I wanted to put up an actual picture of the Vitruvian man, but I figured that would be too inappropriate, so I used this one instead. :)

And before I go into my intelligent part of this section, I'd like to say a few things:

1. You guys are all so freaking smart and I'm afraid to say anything intelligent. Plus you've already said everything so...

2. Fellow classmates, I hope your enjoying this book. If you analyze it too much you're going to start hating this book. Just saying.

3. Da Vinci was gay? Since when?


Yes, it is very interesting and the cliffhangers at the end of every chapter helped me read an extra few chapters (don't tell anyone). And it is enjoyable, but I have a few complaints. One: Dan Brown is like a modern J. R. R. Tolkein or Charles Dickens. Sure, Brown is a lot more fun to read, but it took 4 chapters and a Prologue before we finally figure out the position of Sauntiere! ahpoiasdnfokxjoviqjweaskd. Two: Did anyone else figure out he was in the position of the Vitruvian man before Langdon did? I sure did. I figured it out because the book is called the Da Vinci Code , so obviously it would be the Vitruvian man, but still. Okay that's the end of my ranting. Thank you.

The Intelligent Portion of This Blog:

Sophie's my favorite character so far! (Okay, so maybe not so intelligent.) I looked up her last name in French to see if it showed her personality, like Fache, but Neveu means nephew. And Langdon doesn't mean anything. Neither does Sauntiere. And Louvre apparently means The Louvre. And the driver that got Langdon to the Louvre apparently has no name. Fail.

Let me try again.

The ACTUAL Intelligent Portion of This Blog:

So maybe Neveu means nephew. But it's very close to nouveau, which means new. Which means awesome. But she is also a NEW member of the Department of Cryptology who likes to do things her own NEW way that all the old cryptologists hate. But apparently no one can keep their eyes off of her.  But she is epic because does her own thing and ignores Fache, and risks her job in order to help Langdon. And we find out that Fache is extremely sexist because apparently women like Neveu cannot do the work of men.

I'm pretty sure if Fache had to choose between helping Silas or Langdon, he would definitely pick Silas. For one thing he is an extremely pious Catholic that loves the Pope and wants to keep the good name of the Catholic Church. He even said he wanted the pedophile priests "hanged twice! Once for their crimes against children. And once for shaming the good name of the Catholic Church" (Brown 48). And then it goes on to say that Fache seemed more mad about the shaming of the Catholic Church than the poor children. Obviously someone does not have his priorities straight.

But then the unanswered question comes up: is he in support of the Opus Dei? They are Catholics, though extreme, and he has some of the same beliefs as them, like woman are extremely inferior to men. But I do not think he would be one to whip himself and have a pointy thigh-let (a braclet for your thigh) on all the time. I would imagine these are a little too much for him. But then again, "The Bull" is an extreme kind of guy. And what's worse, Langdon seems pretty much an atheist. The Bull would totally help Silas. Which might happen once Silas finds out that Sautiere lied to him.

Oh! And one more point to be made. What Langdon said about Catholicism taking pagan symbols and transforming them is entirely true. The Catholic Church also took pagan holidays and transformed them into Christian ones, like Easter and Christmas. Now I'm not saying that these holidays ARE pagan. The background is most definitely Christian. These holidays are just on days that used to be pagan holidays, and overtook them. Oh, and Easter eggs are from the ancient druids who carried around eggs, and Venus (Roman goddess) was hatched from an egg too. But Easter Eggs do not have anything to do with the real Easter. And I shall stop talking about relgion.

And I'm sure Vittoria (which is Italian for Victoria) will appear later in the book. And Neveu and Vittoria are going to fight an epic battle over Langdon. Just sayin'.

And I'm writing my post earlier next time so that all the good things aren't already said. Again, just sayin'.

Well I hope this post was good! And hopefully counts as a somewhat informative post. o__O


1 comment:

  1. Oh! And the next section should be Chapters 10-22 according to my book. If thats okay with all of you :)
