Monday, December 20, 2010


Just throwing this out there...
Did ANYONE see that coming with Fache? I totally thought he was faking it when he said he wanted to help. Really. I thought he was the Teacher or something.


  1. I believe we're going to read Angels and Demons next. We still have to talk about this though.

  2. To the question:
    I didn't really see that coming with Fache. I simply believed that Fache was just there for the suspense, but I believe Brown simply wanted Fache to be there to be a scapegoat. Since, Fache is often seen as the evil guy that wants to arrest Langdon for something that he never had done.

  3. yeah, the way Brown wrote about Fache and how the phone calls appearred to be coming to and from him, and everything looking like he was the kind of ruined my view of the book a little because of the really random "what just happened?" of it, but thats just me
