Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Section to Read?

Hey Guys!
Thought it was cool I can post now and you guys probably can too! :) What chapter are we reading to now, since tomorrow is "class" even though we aren't there?


  1. Chapter 86 seems like a good place to stop. I think this book is reaching the point where everything will be explained in the last 20 chapters. Or is it too much?

  2. I read to 86, because I know Jena and Olivia and I were discussing it and decided on that? If's thats alright with you...

  3. I'm not quite sure where I read to but its definitely past chapter 86 so I'm good with anything. :)

  4. woops, that was me, Olivia K. I'm not quite sure why my dad has a blog spot account. Maybe its because he has a google account...oh well.
